How to choose a good web Design Company in Sri Lanka

Make use of these 5 Elements to shortlist and choose a good web design company in Sri Lanka that will make your project a success.

As the world is getting digitalized day by day and people using the internet to search for businesses, you might think that this is the right time to get your business a professional website or even redesign and update an existing website. And you are absolutely right, this is the perfect time for your business to get online and take full advantage of a professional website as in this day and age, the importance of a website for a business grows exponentially day by day.

But, if you have never worked with a web design company in Sri Lanka before, or if you have worked with a company before and don’t like their service, how can you choose a good web design company that you will enjoy working with and get the project done right?

Well, here we will cover all the key elements you should consider when you are choosing a web design company in Sri Lanka to work with.

Therefore, let’s jump right in, shall we?

1. Analyze the web design company’s own website.

The web design company’s own website is a great visual representation of their abilities to design a website for your own. You can analyze their website from header to footer and see if they know what they are doing.

For example, as you are a potential client of theirs, do you get the feeling to work with them when you log in to their website? Is there a clear call to action? Does the website contain all the information you require? Is the design itself appealing to you?

If the answer is yes, then they know what they are doing as they were able to get you, the potential client to inquire.

2. Check their portfolio.


Example of a Web design portfolio

By checking the portfolio of the web design company, you are able to see how many projects they have completed. The more projects they have on their portfolio, the better their service is as many other clients have chosen them over other web design companies.

Also, you are able to analyze the quality of their work and see if the design standards that you are looking for is available through their services.

Don’t just browse through their mockups on their site, go to the actuals websites they built and see how the user experience is, the speed of the website, the mobile responsiveness and etc. This will allow you to see the all-around work of the company.

3. Check if they use templates or custom approaches.

There are so many web design companies in Sri Lanka that uses template designs without custom web design approaches.

Template websites will look good and professional but they may completely disregard the proposal of the website. Whereas a custom web approach will fulfill all the requirements or goals that you wish from your website to fulfill.

Therefore, we suggest that you always choose a web design company that builds custom websites rather than redesigning templates which will help your website to be more effective and goal-oriented.

4. Call them and discuss your project.


Example of a web design company Sri Lanka call handler

One of the most important steps in choosing a web design company in Sri Lanka is the actual project discussion call itself.

There are two key elements that you have to pay close attention to here, they are;

  • The customer service.

Analyze the tone of voice in the call, are they polite, or are they talking like they know everything and you don’t? These little things that you can pick up on a phone call help you to get a clear idea of their customer support.

No matter how good their portfolio is and how many big brands they have worked with, if their customer support is bad, you don’t want to work with them.

  • The consultation processes.

While you are on the call, are they trying to identify your problems and trying to provide a solution to that problem rather than just trying to sell a website? If so, that is a great sign that your project will be a success and they will be a great fit for you.

5. The price of the project.

Now we come to the second most important step of choosing a good web design company in Sri Lanka, the price of the project.

This is where some research of your own as the potential client must be done. Talk to other businesses that have the same type of website that you are looking for and get the total cost of their project. This will allow you to have a clear idea of the price points on web design projects and will reduce the chance of getting ripped off. As an added bonus, you will have the leverage of negotiating as well.

Keep in mind, the same project may be quoted at different prices from different companies, and there can be quotations that are much higher than others but have some additional extra services that other web design companies don’t provide.

Therefore, get three to five quotations from the web design companies that check all the boxes of the above-discussed points and do a thorough comparison.

If you have any questions, give them a call and ask them about your doubts, this will also allow you to see more of their customer support as well.


Now that you know what elements to consider when choosing a good web design company in Sri Lanka, we hope that you will make your decisions wisely as working with a web design company is a long-term business relationship.

With that said, if you are looking for a web design company in Sri Lanka, that meets all the above requirements, we are here for you! Contact us today and let’s try to build a solution that eliminates all your problems and makes your business thrive online.

About The Author

Inspirenix | Website | + posts

Inspirenix is a web design and digital marketing agency based in Sri Lanka offering services to businesses all over the world while at the same time educating the community with industry secrets, tips, tricks and news.

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